Saturday 24 January 2009

I wanted to print the image of an eggshell onto a fax roll over and over again, to juxtapose the similarity of the objects as a group with their individuality; in the same way, each image would have been the same, but each print different from the last. I am finding printing to be technically difficult. I find the technique isn't 'at one' with the way I like to work, despite it being entirely relevant, considering my interest in repetition. I feel that for me it is somehow too clinical.

I worked at home throughout the middle of the week, melting inky ice cubes on to paper. On cartridge paper, the result (as I have been using pinky-red ink) looks brutal. I like them though, as each one is different and, in their own way, shocking. I tried doing one on some handmade paper I brought back from Thailand with me, and the way the ink has been absorbed, rather than settling, makes the image much less gory, as it is more pink than red. It reminds me of some sort of cell. I particularly like that each inky, egg shaped ice cube has created a different pattern, despite me using the same method each time. I am considering experimenting with photocopies of them, rather than the images themselves, as I think they could be easily ruined.

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